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DiaBeTes - Jaga Diet, Beraktivitas, Tes Rutin (AMSA 2)

As of this moment, over nine million adults in Indonesia are living with diabetes. This overwhelming figure acts as a challenge towards medical practitioners because diabetes, although seemingly harmless, can lead to a number of fatal complications, such as liver and kidney failure, blindness, and even stroke. Because of this, when given the option to choose between nutrition, diabetes, respiratory health, and sexual health, AMSA II chose diabetes as the main theme of our event. This is because we are aware that a lot of people in Indonesia are leading a lifestyle where sugar is a major part of their diet and that they are living in ignorance of diabetes and the significant risk it poses to their overall quality of life.

So our event is entitled DiaBeTes, which stands for “jaga diet, beraktivitas, tes rutin”. All activities held during our event was in accordance to this motto, in which we conducted a cooking demo in accordance to jaga diet, an aerobic session in accordance to beraktifitas, and a free blood glucose and blood pressure test in accordance to tes rutin. Aside from those events, we also hosted a seminar about diabetes provided by dr. Theo Audi Yanto, Sp.PD, which aimed to educate our audience about diabetes, a pasar murah selling rice and oil, so that we may further encourage our audience to cook the food taught to them during the cooking demo, and a session in which we handed out door prizes in order to thank our audience for coming.

DiaBeTes was held on Sunday, the 4th of October 2015 at Lapangan Futsal Cilenggang, which was situated right in front of the Bappeda office of Tangerang. The event was held from 7 AM to 12 PM and featured more than 200 participants. All in all, we considered our event to be a success, as we believed that we brought upon a significant impact on the lives of these people through imparting jaga diet, beraktifitas, and tes rutin to prevent the onset of diabetes.


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